X-Rays Are Safe, Effective & Healthy

The X-rays utilized today are not the same you’ve seen or heard about from Hollywood movies of yesteryear.  They’re extremely safe, highly effective, and most times you just use powerful software to make any edits to the lighting.

The X-rays utilized today, with the most advanced equipment, continue to improve in both actual delivery of the radiation (which is less than you get going on a plane), and the software that captures the imaging (which allows for even less front end radiation) and allows you to edit the ‘photos’ (x-ray images) on a powerful computer, instead of changing the exposure to the patient and reshooting an x-ray.

The goal here is to be brief and succinct but thorough and direct so you understand the CBP perspective:

It’s imperative that your clinical staff are well versed and trained on the proper utilization of the digitized Postural analysis.  Posture analysis assists CBP doctors in objectively assessing rotations and translations of posture alterations of the head, thorax, and pelvis. This allows us the opportunity to be able to then provide mirror image adjusting, mirror image exercises, and in some cases mirror image traction for larger displaced postures.

Be considerably advised, Posture Analysis does not replace radiographic analysis for sagittal plane curve assessment, or coronal. Further, re-examination follow-up throughout corrective care require consistent and repeatable objective measures.

Necessity of Radiographic Utilization

Of considerable importance is the technique of spinal correction, or Chiropractic, when it comes to the analysis of x-rays; structural techniques like Chiropractic BioPhysics have many articles published in the medical literature.  Spinal radiographs–without imaging, there is no way of accurately measuring the segmental contribution and the exact geometric shapes of the sagittal plane curves of the spine. Furthermore, with today’s knowledge of Pelvic Morphology and Thoracic-Inlet morphology, there is no way of accurately measuring these morphology variables without imaging techniques. Pelvic morphology and Thoracic inlet morphology are highly discussed topics in the spine literature today. It is known that these morphology assessments contribute to how much curvature a sagittal plane spine should have. Persons that don’t fit their pelvic morphology with their sagittal spine curve alignment are known to have more pain, disability, and generalized poorer health.

See these recent reviews in a few of the top spine journals in the world. There’s are far more than 100 peer-reviewed publications on this topic.  A few have been selected as they are more recent and contemporary reviews.

— Lumbar and thoracic-http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20567858 and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21937939

—Cervical spine and thoracic inlet morphology http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23768023

Thus, unless you want us to train your students in 50% of the CBP system and therefore, they will have no contemporary sagittal plane spine assessments and treatment strategies consistent with today’s spine literature, there is no way to legitimately teach and practice CBP Technique without x-ray analysis and interpretation of how to properly perform sagittal plane curve restoration.

CBP intimately utilizes x-rays to determine if subjects are candidates for sagittal plane curve restoration exercises, adjusting, and traction. Also, realize our sagittal plane models of the spine are not just hypothetical, they are based on radiographic analysis of multiple normal subject data populations. These models have been shown to have the ability to discriminate between pain and non pain populations.

See the following research publications in top spine journals:

—Cervical model http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15543059

–Lumbar lumbar model http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9811104

This has typically addressed the majority of Doctors and patient’s most common questions. As a post-doctoral training and specific addition to the already powerful chiropractic spinal adjustment (sometimes referred to as a spinal manipulation in the literature) CBP Technique uses both posture and x-rays to completely assess a person’s spine and posture.

In the ever growing pursuit of excellence,

Dr. Ryan Livingston, DC

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