Nutrition & Performance

Food is Medicine.

It’s also the 2nd major pillar in the

restoration and recovery of optimal health.

Recovery & Performance

Functional nutrition designed at it’s core to maximize your recovery and performance.  From building a strong solid foundation of healthy tissues, to address rapid recovery after grueling training, spinal rehabilitation and everyday toxic burdens.

Health Issues

A tried and testing method of functional nutrition & supplementation designed to achieve true health, Battle tested by Dr. Ryan.

Body Recomp (Get Lean/Fat Loss)

A unique approach to getting lean, healthy, and fit.  The method of recomposition developed by Dr. Ryan as he went from 220lbs in liver failure, to the leanest and healthiest he’s been in ~6 months. Dr. Ryan uses his unique approach with many patients and fitness clients.

Ready to onboard?  Click below.

To get answers to your nutrition questions & recommend topics for Dr. Ryan to discuss, head on over to our social media.

Follow us on Instagram to get daily access @Crack.That.Heals

Chronic health issues?

Thyroid dysfunction? Diabetes?

Fatigue/Lethargy?  Constantly drained with no energy?

Not sure where to start?

Book an onboarding consult with Dr. Ryan and get some guidance.