
Micronutrients are essential to the processes of life. Most people are dramatically underconsuming nutrient-dense food necessary to promote and create quality tissues and cells.



utrition for the patient should start with a basic understanding of food and food like products, and how that patient interacts with food.  Fundamental understanding of the difference between food like product (boxed processed chips, cheeses that don’t melt, hydrogenated oils – things that last years and years on a shelf) and true whole foods (things that grow, reproduce, rot and mold – plants, herbs, meat, etc. will mold and rot when it sits out for a short period of time).  Psychology of food, or relationship with food is also important.  If that is never addressed, all the whole foods in the world won’t help you achieve your goals as you will always return to poor patterns and behaviors, constructs you have built during a lifetime of development.

Once we address what true food is, we can begin the dicussion of micronutrients and their major impact in our diet (definition:  the daily choice of food and liquids that are consumed for purpose of nourishment).  Micronutrients drive the metabolic process, and if you’re missing them in your diet, you won’t digest food as thorougly, or as quickly as the body should be able to process. This quickly leads to disease processes, fatigue, energy issues, gut and digestive diseases, constipation/diarrhea, and a host of other issues.  ‘Food is Medicine’. ~Hippocrates

Our goal is to give you a solid foundation and understanding of nutrition so are armed and prepared to go out and shop on your own, and make informed decisions about the health of foods, can understanding basic ingredients and how companies are deceptively misleading you with things like ‘natural’, ‘fat free’/’sugar free’, and how they can mislead you into believing a product is healthy for you, when in reality it’s as worse, or worse than, drinking a can of soda/pop which is pure ‘table sugar’, a very toxic chemical made in a lab and science has confirmed is as addictive as major drugs like cocaine and heroin. Yes, that’s tough to hear, but that’s what the science shows, and it’s robbing you of your health, and feeding cancer growth.