
Migraine and headache are leading causes of outpatient and ED visits and remain an important public health problem, particularly among women during their reproductive years.



igraines are no joke. The fact you are on this page means you have been suffering for most likely decades. If you’re anything like the average patient we see, you’ve had them for more than five years and nothing has really ever addressed the cause of them. If you are one of the roughly 40 million people in the United States who suffer from migraines, we don’t need to remind you how much they can affect your life. Migraines are the third most common illness in the world and the sixth most disabling illness. When migraines strike, more than 90% of these sufferers cannot work, exercise or even function normally.

Many doctors prescribe medication to either prevent migraines or treat the symptoms.  Read that again.  To treat the symptoms.  The reality is the side effects of these medications can be extremely unhealthy and toxic to organs of detoxification; including nausea, fatigue and racing heartbeat.  In fact, as many as two-thirds of patients do not even take migraine medications as they are prescribed.  So, what is the answer for people who are struggling with this condition?  For those who want to treat the cause and not simply mask the symptoms?

The number one cause of headaches across the board is related to the spine and known as cervicogenic headaches.  Migraines affect the body in a uniquely different way.  While they may get worse during menstruation for women, or times of stress, they’re still not normal and there’s a high chance your hormones are off as well.

The fact that so many migraine suffers we treat have abnormal cervical curvatures (typically forward head posture) and often times translations of the cervical spine, means there’s a high likelihood that your migraines are primarily caused by an issue with your spine.  Especially if you’ve ever had a fender bender, been involved in a motor vehicle crash over 5.8 mph, or had an irregular birth, we can help you find the true cause of your migraines.

The scientific evidence supporting corrective chiropractic for migraines continues to grow.  A review of scientific literature evaluating migraines and chiropractic care found that true spinal correction with patients getting routine care was effective in treating migraines in as many as 75% of subjects.  This review looked at multiple forms of research and observed that the results identified chiropractic care as a very promising treatment for migraines.

It is pretty simple when you take a step back and think about it at a high level.  If your spine is not healthy the nerves exiting your spinal column can become compromised.  Those nerves are responsible for sending messages to all your vital organs to “tell” them how to optimally function.  A compromised spinal column directly impacts your health in many ways and migraines are merely one of them.  Treatment that does not address and correct the misalignments and imbalances in your posture and spine may provide temporary relief but will not stop the issues from returning.

Bottom line … your spine needs to be healthy!  This is why we specifically focus on advanced spinal correction.  Spinal hygiene, appropriate rehab and exercise directed at improving your spine is a critical component to lifelong health and care of it.  It is important we spread awareness that chiropractic care is a healthy, non-toxic, holistic option for migraine treatment.